An album of songs from minorities in our cities

Many Sinti and Roma live in Germany. The German singer and rapper „Sido“ is the son of a Sintitsa. One of his most famous songs is „Bilder im Kopf“ (Pictures in the head).
Many Greek people live in Germany and especially around Stuttgart. Many of them came in the 1950s and 1960s for work. Soon they felt home-sick and so their actual plan was to move back to Greece. But many stayed in Germany forever. One of the most famous and popular German/Austrian singers is Udo Jürgens who composed and sang a song about this. The song is called „Griechischer Wein“.
In Germany less and less dialects are spoken, because they seem to be out of fashion. Originally the „Swabian“ dialect is spoken in Stuttgart. But there are less and less people who can or want to speak „Swabian“. One typical Swabian singer is Wolfang Kriwanek with his song „Ufo“.

Songs from minorities
Thessaloniki is a multicultural city. Many different cultures are mixed together affecting the life of its citizens. We present two typical songs from Jews and Roma minorities in Thessaloniki
1) Adio querida (traditional sepharadic -Jewish song)
2) Nais Balamo (a very popular Roma song)
Slovak folk song Tancuj, tancuj vykrucaj!
Slovenian folk song Al' me boš kaj rada imela
Ukraininan folk song Rasprjagajte Hlopci Konji
Folk song of North Macedonia Eleno, kerko, Eleno
Hungarian folk song Voltál-e már Egerbe
Italian folk song Tarantella Basilicata
Bosnian folk song Kad ja pođoh na Bembašu

Very old original Albanian song, before the Turkish occupation of Albania.
"Lule Lule" is another very old Albanian song, over 600 years, which became symbol of the Arberesh Albanians who migrated to Italy from southern Albania.
"Moj e bukura More" is the title of this song that dates back to six hundred years and speaks of a sad story: the story of an exile of refugees from Arbёria (Albania of today) to the South of Italy, mainly to Sicily.

Йълдъз Ибрахимова
Yıldız İbrahimova is a Bulgarian singer of Turkish ancestry. Besides jazz, she has also recorded Bulgarian, Turkish, Gypsy folk songs. She married Ali Dinçer, a Turkish politician, also born in Bulgaria and former mayor of Ankara, in 1993. Since then she has lived in Turkey.
Yildiz Ibrahimova has participated in tours in over 40 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and Africa.
Софи Маринова
Sofi Marinova is a Bulgarian Romani pop-folk and ethno-pop singer. She has won multiple music awards and contests. She is often called "the Romani pearl" and "the Romani nightingale". In February 2012, she won the Bulgarian Eurovision national final with the song "Love Unlimited", thus becoming the representative of Bulgaria in the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Арменска песен
Armenians in Bulgaria are the fifth largest minority, after Russians, in the country, numbering 6,552 according to the 2011 census, down from 10,832 in 2001, while Armenian organizations estimate up to 80,000. Armenians have lived in the Balkans (including the territory of modern Bulgaria) since no later than the 5th century, when they moved there as part of the Byzantine cavalry. Since then, the Armenians have had a continuous presence in Bulgarian lands and have often played an important part in the history of Bulgaria from early Medieval times until the present.
The main centres of the Armenian community in the country are the major cities Plovdiv, Varna, Sofia and Burgas.
еврейска песен
The history of the Jews in Bulgaria goes back almost 2,000 years. Jews have had a continuous presence in historic Bulgarian lands since before the 2nd century CE, and have often played an important part in the history of Bulgaria.
Today, the majority of Bulgarian Jews live in Israel, while modern-day Bulgaria continues to host a modest Jewish population.

Tarsus hosts many different cultures, traditions and songs from different minorities.